Sunday, March 10, 2013

A little bit of culture

I've been trying to make a concerted effort to try a lot of different things while I'm "over the pond".  

Valentino Exhibit
A few weeks ago, I went to see the Valentino exhibit at the Somerset House, which is right on the River Thames.  

As part of the exhibit, they showcased about 150 different Valentino dresses, including the dress that Julia Roberts wore to the Oscars.

I have to say, I was a little surprised that some of the dresses didn't look better in person.  Some of the dresses definitely photographed better than what they actually look like in person.  It was very cool to see the volume of work that he had created, though.  There was a video running that showed how they made certain pieces.  Good Lord, the people who work in the atelier have *a lot* of patience.  I would either go blind or give up with the amount of time it takes to make one little ruffle.  Whatever...this may be why I shop at Target, not Valentino. 

Wildlife Photography Exhibit
The photography exhibit was shown at the Natural History Museum.  First of all, the museum itself is gorgeous.

I could have just walked around and looked at the architecture, but since I had the ticket for the exhibit, I thought I would go. :)

The exhibit itself is in its 49th year and shows a global showcase of the very best nature photography.  It was amazing.  For obvious reasons, photos of the photographs weren't allowed, but I was able to download one of the pictures.  The below photograph isn't even one of the winners.  And, they have a children's exhibit with some photographs of kids as young as 10(!).  (God, I'm such a loser.  I've done nothing with my life!).  Anyway, very impressive.  Unfortunately, the exhibit isn't scheduled to be in the US, but you can see the pictures online. (

British Museum
I didn't go see any special exhibits at the British Museum yesterday.  The museum is within walking distance, so I figured I should check it out.  

For those not in the know, the museum holds, among other things, the Rosetta Stone.

Again, the architecture inside the building itself is pretty darn cool.

The really nice thing about the museums in London is that they are all free.  They ask for a "donation", but it's not like the donations they ask for at the street festivals in Chicago --- there isn't anyone monitoring the door to give you the evil eye if you don't contribute (don't worry, I contributed.  I'm not that bad of a cheapskate).

I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to take advantage of some of these things.  I've got fashion, photography and history under my belt.  That leaves art, music, food, ???.  I have already addressed the food piece (shocker, I know).  That is for another post.  I will have to work on the art and music pieces. 


  1. And you have already worked on the music piece. Granted, not British music, but music being played in London.

  2. Did you do a rubbing of the Rosetta Stone?

  3. I did fail to mention the music, Kelly. Both the concerts (Bruce and Kings of Leon) are US bands, but it a step in the right direction.

    I did do rubbings of all the swear words in ancient Greek, Stein. I want to see if you can translate.
